| 来源-http://hendrixanddail.com/ | 作者- | 2011-08-06

溴甲烷施药技术--methods of application for methyl bromide

There are two methods of application for methyl bromide. The hot gas method; and the tractor applied method. Both of these methods provide for a custom tarp application where no contaminated soil is left untreated within the fumigation borders.


The hot gas method is typically used when mechanical application is not an option due to space, access, terrain, or when the circumstances dictate a “no till” application.

1.A series of drip tubing is placed at six foot intervals across the target area, assuring even distribution of product.
2.Plastic tarps are hand laid and secured into place. The edges can be secured using loose soil or a pre-cut sod ring.
3.Methyl bromide is forced through a heat exchanger into the drip tubing and scales are used to determine the exact amount of product to be applied.
4.Tarps will remain in place for a minimum of 48 hours or until the gas concentration is below 5ppm. Since no toxic residue remains, used tarps are typically placed in dumpsters and removed from the property.

Depending on the type of application, up to 120,000 s.f. of area can be treated in a single day.

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Land Preparation

There are many factors that effect quality soil fumigation. Some of the key elements are proper soil moisture, temperature, and tilth. Throughout your project our highly experienced staff will be available to assist you with land preparation and the proper decisions regarding moisture, temperature, and rates of application.

Good soil preparation is essential in obtaining optimum fumigation results.
Methyl Bromide works best in loose, well-tilled soil, free of weeds, clods, and organic debris. Cultivate the soil with a spring tooth harrow or similar device to the depth you want the fumigant to penetrate. The optimum depth is eight to ten inches.

Moisture content is equally as important. The soil should be kept wet for at least a week leading up to fumigation. This will soften weed seed and promote germination. Just prior to fumigation, dry the field to the equivalent of a slight dampness. If the soil is too wet, the methyl bromide may become diluted. If the soil is too dry, the methyl bromide may move through the soil profile to rapidly to provide optimum results.

Rates of application will vary with soil types, degree and type of weed infestation. Some weeds such as common bermuda grass and torpedo grass may require higher rates.

Contact your closest sales representative to schedule an in field consultation.


The tractor applied method is used when ongulation and area permit a mechanical application. Each fumigation machine is equipped with two metering systems. The primary system consists of a Raven Computer Console, electric flow control valves, and a computer controlled radar system. This system accurately meters and

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